The Art of Connecting and Expanding 90 Day Group Healing Program

Start date: March 2024

Imagine feeling so deeply connected to yourself, others, your VISION, and the world that you feel able to expand into your most powerful and authentic self in ALL areas of you…

Imagine your nervous system feeling calm, nourished, and settled…

Imagine feeling safe to just BE…

Would you believe me if I told you that this is all available for you?

A life filled with connection, joy, abundance, ease, and the freedom to create your life….

In my world, we guide you to live the life you want to live and, most importantly, to FEEL how you want to feel while living it…

In this program you will:

Heal your nervous system

Release addictive behaviors, maladaptive coping mechanisms, and defenses

Gently process your childhood pain, wounds, and trauma

Get honest about your triggers and process them so you are free from them

Heal your attachment wound and relational trauma

Create internal safety so you stop seeking external saving

Come into relationship with your pain so you feel safe to BE with it

Reparent your inner child

Extract your GOLD from your shadow

Accept and love ALL parts of you

Come into energetic alignment with your intuition and most powerful, authentic self

Connect to yourself, others, and your vision

Move from scarcity to abundance

Learn to feel safe to CONNECT, RECEIVE, be SEEN, EXPAND, and just BE…

What does it feel like for you to receive, expand, and just BE?

Really think about that, be with it, bring forth a memory when you received something you really wanted…

What happened for you afterwards? Did you get nervous, anxious, or terrified?

You may not have even realized you were feeling this way, maybe you couldn’t sink into the joy of receiving because you were preoccupied with what could go wrong afterwards, or you were completely unable to be present with the joy of receiving because you are unable to connect and just be.

I have felt all of those things after receiving…

What does it feel like for you to EXPAND? How does your body respond? Do you revert and go back into old cycles and patterns?

And, how does it feel to just BE?

With yourself? With others?

Are you able to settle into BEING? Or do you cycle from anxiety to shutdown?

Maybe this is subtle.

Maybe you feel “pretty good”

I promise, you can FEEL truly vibrant and free…

I see you, and I have been you.

You want something more from life, more than just existing in the matrix, so you do yoga, meditate, do breathwork, acupuncture, self-development—ALL THE THINGS.

You may have invested in therapy, yoga retreats, coaches and mentors, and online courses, but something is not quite clicking for you.

You find yourself stuck, addicted, and terrified (this may all be subtle, but it is there). One of my zones of genius is working with subtle energy.

Your subtle energy and your nervous system create your life…

You feel unable to move forward, and unable to be present and connect to yourself, others, and YOUR life.

You feel hypervigilant, lacking presence, and always wanting to control the outcome.

You may vacillate between depression and anxiety (again, could be subtle). But you think ‘who doesn’t?”

Maybe you feel totally frustrated and have concluded, this is just life, right?

I am here to tell you. It isn’t just life.

You are meant for MORE…

From the outside you appear to have created a beautiful life, and yet, you feel so empty, so anxious, and totally unable to just BE.

You may not even know why, or maybe you do and you do not feel SAFE enough to commit FULLY to YOU.

And what you really want is to feel safe to be, safe to flow, safe to connect, safe to receive, and safe to EXPAND into the life you dream of.

Safe to just BE, which might seem like such a far away dream…

I want you to know—

You are more powerful than you think you are, and you have the power to create the life you want to live and to feel how you want to feel while living it.

You have the power become abundant, joyful, connected, playful, radiant, and free…

Hi!! I am Yarrow. I am a clinically trained therapist, Healing Artist and Leadership Mentor with over twenty years of experience teaching yoga, meditation, and breathwork.

I have my Master’s in Counseling and Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute and am trauma informed through the Compassionate Inquiry program with Dr. Gabor Maté and am reiki level 1 and 2 initiated.

In my early twenties, I healed my anxiety and OCD holistically with a combination of yoga, meditation, and acupuncture.

I felt amazing, powerful, and was pursuing my dreams.

Imagine my surprise when I entered my Master’s program over a decade later and realized I had so much unresolved childhood trauma that was contributing to my inability to create the life I wanted and to FULLY commit to me.

As I began the journey of processing this material, I was amazed by the ways that not processing such ancient material was holding me back from creating a vision for my life.

And then, after graduation, in October 2019, while participating in an online Kundalini course that asked me to create a vision for my life, I had an AHA moment.

Here I was, I believed I was doing ALL the healing things; I was living my dreams, helping people to heal, and yet I was completely unable to see this vision for my life.


I didn’t realize I needed to feel safe.

I thought I needed to be brave, to be strong, to keep going.

What I didn’t realize was that there was this inner child (I have quite the story about how I connected to her) in me that was seeking safety and saving in the external world in the sneakiest of ways and this was inhibiting me from being able to fully create a vision for my life, to create the life I wanted and to FEEL how I wanted to feel in it.

I had always had so much resistance around the word safety and the word manifestation.

I felt irritation bubble up at the mention of either.

And, energetically, I BELIEVED in manifestation, so my resistance to the word didn’t add up.

Safety had never been a state I sought.

I didn’t believe in safety until the word hit me in a new way (there is a beautiful story here), and I knew that if my external world were going to be and feel as I wanted it to, I needed to feel that way internally, which meant creating internal safety.

Where there is resistance there is VALUABLE information. Pay attention to your resistance. Maybe it is coming up for you now…

Keep reading, dear one…

I knew I had some serious work to do, and I became the OG client for The Art of Connecting healing and expanding (The Yarrow Kae Way) where I combined psychology (especially relational), spirituality, energetics, and somatic methods to heal my nervous system, gently process my childhood pain, heal my attachment wound, lean into intimacy and vulnerability, come into energetic alignment with my most powerful and authentic self and intuition, and connect more deeply to myself, others, and my vision, so that I feel safe to receive, expand, be seen and just BE.

As I mentioned, I had been doing ALL the things, and yet, I was stuck, terrified, and addicted. I was living in survival mode running around in fight/flight until I collapsed into dorsal by binge watching Netflix (one of my most detrimental addictions).

While I appeared to be living my dream life what I didn’t realize was that I still had so many defense mechanisms, addictive behaviors, and maladaptive coping mechanisms that at one time kept me safe but were now keeping me stuck.

As I unraveled these, I realized that this brilliant web of behaviors was created by my nervous system in childhood to keep me safe in unsafe situations. And, while this was adaptive and genius at the time, it was no longer working!! I was just stuck…

This is where The Art of Connecting Program was born and has now evolved into The Art of Connecting and Expanding.

This unique combination of healing modalities, allowed for me to create internal safety, so I stopped seeking saving externally.

Through this process, I was able to see ALL of the ways that I had made myself a victim to life, which admittedly, was really painful to look at.

However, I am unbelievably grateful that I did because it allowed for me to step into my power and co-create my life, so that I am able to live the life I want and to feel how I want to feel while living it.

I have since created magic in my life:

Bringing in multi 6 figures in my healing business every single year

No longer watch TV

Have created my very own real life rom com

Deep and connected relationships

Expansive travel and

ABSOLUTE FREEDOM in ALL areas of my life

At one time, we may have been victims, but we do not have to be anymore.

You are more powerful than you think you are, and you can create a life where you feel safe to receive, expand, and just BE.

The Art of Connecting and Expanding allows for you to safely unravel your web of defenses so that you can look at the unconscious beliefs and ways that are running your life.

You may be thinking, “but I have looked at those already.”

I promise you, not like this, you haven’t done this level of extracting, understanding, and releasing of these behaviors.

 To quote a TAOC&E client, “In the first 20 days of this work, I have realized and shifted more about myself than I did in 10 years of therapy.”

Your nervous system is truly brilliant at keeping you alive, but it likes habit, and when you try to make changes (even if those are expansive changes), it feels threatened and convinces you that you need to stay small.

It believes it is keeping you alive, and what a beautiful job it has done, but now it is keeping you addicted, stuck, terrified, and unable to just be and receive.

The Yarrow Kae Way allows for you to, gently and effectively and using scientifically proven methods and trauma-based approaches, show your nervous system that it is safe to expand, to love, to create, to receive. It is safe to just BE.

This level of nervous system healing only happens in relationship.

“We are broken in relationship and we heal in relationship.”

This is what makes group healing so powerful, especially group healing where you are held and encouraged to expand at a pace that feels good to YOU…

Divided into 10 Modules, The Art of Connecting and Expanding will gently guide you through your pain, attachment wounds, and trauma, so that you are able to transform from being stuck, stagnant, disconnected, and addicted to feeling free, creative, abundant, connected and safe to receive and EXPAND in all areas of your life.

These 90 days will give you the ability to connect to, and live, the life you want to live AND feel the way you want to feel while living it!! 

As a TAOC&E client said, “I value our sessions so much. It is my most treasured time of the week.”

And another said, “This is the work that shifts cultures, that allows us to sleep better at night and have more connected relationships. This is the work we ALL need.”



MODULE 1: The Addictions and Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms

MODULE 2: The Safety and The Nervous System

MODULE 3: The Pain, Wounds, and Trauma

MODULE 4: The Ways of Attachment

MODULE 5: The Triggers

MODULE 6: The Vulnerability, The Intimacy, and The Shame

MODULE 7: The Inner Child

MODULE 8: The Shadow and The Gold

MODULE 9: The Clarity and The Vision

MODULE 10: The Receptivity

You will Receive:

12- 2 hour LIVE Zoom sessions with Yarrow.

Personalized Healing with Yarrow--1:1 session with Yarrow to be used at any time during the program.

Personalized Healing with TAOC Co-coach Kelly--1:1 session with Kelly to be used at any time during the program.

11 The Art of Connecting PDFs, over 90 pages of information, workbooks, and ways to integrate.

Videos featuring somatic practices, storytelling, and psycho-educational material.

90-day Meditation, Breathwork, Kriyas, and Chanting exercises designed to release addictive behaviors, open your heart, heal your central nervous system, and increase abundance and receptivity.

Private SLACK Channel where we connect DAILY.

Daily journal writing prompts posted in the Slack channel the night before to keep you engaged.

Daily accountability to keep you engaged and on track for the 90 days.

Integration. This workshop provides time, space, and exercises to help you to assimilate and integrate the information in the PDFs, Videos, Sessions, and Zoom calls.

Investment: $4500

with payment plans as low as $625 per month

 Who this 90-Day program is for:

You feel stuck, stagnant, addicted, terrified, and unable to see or create the life you want and to feel how you want to feel in it.

You long to feel safe and connected to yourself and others.

You struggle to feel safe to receive and want to feel safe to just BE.

You want to shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance one.

You KNOW you are meant for MORE and have struggled to create it

Your heart feels tired and you want it to feel calm, open, and free.

You want to release addictive behaviors and maladaptive thought patterns.

You have unprocessed pain, trauma, or wounding that is inhibiting you from moving forward in your life.

You feel frustrated, like you are never able to feel present, joyful, connected, and able to create a life that you want?

You often seek out the potential pitfalls that you “could” encounter.

You are hyper vigilant.

You seek safety through prematurely protecting yourself, so that you are the one in control.

You struggle to trust.

You are always trying to KNOW the outcome and how it will happen.

You freeze and revert to addictive behaviors or maladaptive thought patterns instead of creating, sharing, or giving.

You fear being abandoned.

You are always “doing” rather than “being.”

You want to be able to just BE.

This Program is NOT for you if you:

Want to stay stuck, stagnant, terrified, and disconnected.

Are not ready to process your childhood wounds and be response-able for your healing.

Like to play the “victim.”

Are not open to looking at unconscious behaviors that may be keeping you stuck.

Are defensive and reactive about taking accountability for your life.

Are not willing to learn to feel your feelings.

Do not want to do your Shadow Work.

Are not interested in deepening into your pain, so that you are able to alchemize it.

Are not looking for deep and total transformation.

Not interested in moving from living a life of scarcity and fear to one of abundance, prosperity, and love.

Are not looking to heal somatically, psychologically, and spiritually.



1.     Approximately, what is the daily time commitment for this program?

Daily, the daily time commitment will be about 30-60 Minutes. This daily commitment will fully transform you and your life, giving you the life you want to live and the ability to FEEL how you want to feel in it.

 2.     Is this program for beginners to healing/therapy?

 This program is not for beginners to healing/therapy. If you have done some healing/therapy work, book a call with me and we will assess if the program is a good fit for us both!!

 3.     What if I have never meditated or chanted before?

 No worries. The meditations and chants are super friendly for the novice meditator/chanter.

 4.     What if I am afraid to invest in yet another program?

 I hear you and understand the fear. Give this a read…

 I know investing in yourself is scary. I mean, what if you do it and then you still do not receive?

I have been there, uncertain if I should invest, rushing around the world, giving love, helping people heal, and being of service, all while wondering, “wtf am I even doing on this planet?”

At times, I believed I would never exist without feeling the heaviness of pain in my heart and soul all day everyday, that I would never feel able to JUST BE, and this was while I was doing all the healing things.

 And then, I leapt.

I entered grad school and several healing programs during and after grad school and those investments led to my realizing that I was living in survival mode and that my NS was sneakily keeping me there because it didn’t feel safe to be in my ventral system, which is connection, home, and play.

And, while I could exist in ventral for moments, my NS would quickly bring me back to analyzing, judging, comparing, binging Netflix, and seeking saving, so that I did not have to feel the pain that felt too big for me to feel, but in my constant avoidance of being with that pain, I was inhibiting myself from being able to just BE in the world, to connect, to love, to play, and to RECEIVE.

 My trial and error and hundreds of thousands of dollars in investment is your GOLD.

I have created a program based on scientifically backed methods and some dashes of magic that truly works and is streamlined to bring you truly transformative results.

There is nothing more important than investing in creating a life where you feel safe to receive and safe to just BE.

Words cannot begin to explain to you what a gift it is to be able to just BE and to trust that all is well, and I am safe to receive.

I know you want this too. I know because we all do, and we are all capable of having it…

Are you ready to transform yourself and create the life you want to live? Are you ready to feel how you want to feel?

 I KNOW you are, even if your NS is telling you otherwise. You are ready. Take this leap with me…

 Note: This Program is not meant to take the place of substance use treatment or mental health treatment. Please continue to see your health care providers while participating in this workshop.